Astro Alloy the four members of Astro Alloy sitting on a park bench

Astro Alloy is a fun punk band from Philadelphia, PA.

Available for international stadium tours and birthday parties: booking at astro alloy dot com

Upcoming Shows

Previous Shows

Guitar Tabs

omg! you can now view guitar tabs for the entire Eighteen album right here on! clicky da link

Debut Album - Eighteen - August 7th, 2023

An album about the liminal space between adult and teenager.

Where to Listen

If you want to support the band please buy a digital copy of the album on Bandcamp.

Since physical copies currently don't exist, peruse this website for lyrics + stream-of-conscious album notes.

Social Media

We are begrudgingly on Instagram. Please follow if that's your thing: @astro.alloy

We are not on anything else.